Monday, April 25, 2011

Nap time = NO treasures in Heaven!

We've been talking a lot about storing up your treasures in Heaven and not here on earth, we just have so much "stuff", everywhere. And another hot topic around our house is obeying our mom and dad, AND obeying God. This coversation took place just a few minutes ago...

Mommy: Jackson, it's about nap time.
Jackson: Mom, I can't take a nap today
Mommy: Why not?
Jackson: Because Jesus said that I could just go to bed early tonight instead.
Mommy: When did he tell you that?
Jackson: Just now. I heard him.
(a long pause while I continue to work on the computer)
Jackson: Mom, did you hear me?
Mommy: Yes, but you ARE going to take a nap today.
Jackson: Mom, do you know what's MORE important than listening to your mom?
Mommy: What?
Jackson: Listening to Jesus.
Mommy: Okay, well I'm listening to Jesus and doing what he says right now. I'm making sure you grow to be a healthy boy, and that means you need rest right now.
Jackson: Mom! I HAVE to listen to Jesus, no matter what you say!
Mommy: Jackson, you will take a nap today.
(a long pause, I can just see the wheels turning)
Jackson: Well mom, I guess you won't get to see your treasures in Heaven. That just makes me sad.
(preceed with fake cry)
Jackson: Mom, I'm never going to see you in Heaven! And you AREN'T going to get your treasures in Heaven! Because you DON'T listen to Jesus! And now I'M not going to get my treasures because YOU'RE not letting me mind Jesus and not take a nap!
(now a full melt down)

Well, at this point, I'm even more certain this five-year-old needs a nap today:)

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